EMRFD Message Archive 8700

Message Date From Subject
8700 2013-05-29 19:41:45 Henry Air Variable Capicators for sale
I have a number of air variable capicators for sale. There are four groups
which can be seen at:

http://home.comcast.net/~hsknoll/site/?/photos/ Click on each photo for

I've tried to arrange them so they are about even. There are 10 caps in each
group. Please do not ask me to pick and choose. I will sell them in the
groups they are shown. They will be given out in the order in which I get the
email replys.

I'm asking $25 per group plus postage. If you are interested, contact me off
line with your name and address so I can get the postage.

Anyone wanting all of them will get first choice and a reduced price of $90
plus postage.


Henry WA0GOZ