EMRFD Message Archive 5532

Message Date From Subject
5532 2010-12-21 06:38:09 KK7B Basic Receiver
In the files section is the microR1, a basic receiver designed as a companion to the First Transmitter in EMRFD figure 1.34. Hundreds of these have been built as a first receiver project by Portland State University students, and the design continues to evolve. Wes and I have both designed and built several generations of more complex receivers starting with this basic design.

Bill Kelsey at Kanga US has provided kitlets for both the microR1 and First Transmitter--sealed bags with all the parts but no instructions--at very nominal cost.
5533 2010-12-21 16:39:44 Ken Evans Re: Basic Receiver
My 13 year old grandson, KJ4PQQ, built the micro R1 as his second project.
He needed some guidance as his first project was a paint by numbers kit.
But the micro added more confidence on his ability to build. He is now
"learning code" so he can build the companion xmtr. The problem is he would
rather build than get on with the code!! A good problem.

The point is I think the micro R1 is a great first rcvr.

Ken Evans, W4DU

QRP ARCI 696, GQRP 5918, FP 295, NOGA, ARRL Life
