EMRFD Message Archive 4562

Message Date From Subject
4562 2010-04-24 06:34:18 michael709135 G3RJV Talk on BATC video website
The talk given by Rev. George Dobbs, G3RJV, at the Lough Erne ARC Rally in SHARE titled 'QRP Why and How' can now be watched on the BATC video site
To watch the video follow these steps:
Go to http://www.batc.tv/
Click on the 'Film Archive' icon at the top-left
Select G3RJV QRP Lecture from the drop-down list
Click on the > icon to start the player and click on the icon to the left of the volume control to display the picture full screen.
There is a link just under the player to save the video to your computer.

Videos such as this are examples of the wide variety of services offered by BATC to the amateur radio community. These include an excellent magazine. New members are very welcome. Cyber membership, magazine by email, costs as little as £4.00 on-line. Membership gives individuals and clubs access to the BATC streamer allowing live webcasts from your shack or from a radio club display, talk or meeting.
British Amateur Television Club (BATC)
72 Trevor M5AKA