EMRFD Message Archive 1678

Message Date From Subject
1678 2008-05-25 08:19:59 Weddig, Henning-C... AW: [emrfd] 100 MHz Crystal Source

Io have purchased some 100 MHz xtals through ebay. Plese give me Your adress then I will send You two of the xtals.

Henning Weddig


Von: emrfd@yahoogroups.com im Auftrag von John Shepherd
Gesendet: So 25.05.2008 06:38
An: emrfd@yahoogroups.com
Betreff: [emrfd] 100 MHz Crystal Source

I'm half-way through building the W7ZOI Spectrum Analyzer, as described in
Section 7.8 of EMFRD. But I'm stuck on the 100 MHz second oscillator-mixer
module. The 100 MHz. crystal, that came with the kit, seems to be
inoperative. If I replace the crystal with a 51 ohm resistor, I do get an
unsteady 100 MHz. signal out of the mixer. But when I re-insert the
crystal, there is no oscillation.

It's difficult to buy this "Thru-Hole" crystal. Digi-Key and Mouser don't
stock it. Manufacturers like Vectron and ECS sell through distributors that
aren't interested in small orders.

Can anyone suggest a source? Or does anyone have a spare in their junk box
that I could buy? I'd like to get two, and have one as a spare. I don't
think that the specifications are critical.

John Shepherd


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1683 2008-05-26 11:51:20 John Shepherd Re: 100 MHz Crystal Source

I hadn't thought of eBay.

Thanks for the offer. Before I put you to that trouble I have a couple of
leads on local sources. I'll let you know if they don't pan out.

And thanks again for the kind offer.

John Shepherd